Your Child’s Clinic Visit

We welcome children and their parents to the children’s outpatient departments at Chelsea and Westminster and One Hatfield Hospitals.

What to expect from your child’s first clinic visit

  • We will try and make the first meeting as comfortable as experience as possible for your child.

  • During the appointment, we will try and confirm the diagnosis and propose a treatment plan.

  • A thorough assessment will be undertaken including a detailed history of the problem and examination of the affected joint or limb.

  • After this, we may recommend further evaluation in the form of different types of investigations. This may include blood tests taken by specialist paediatric phlebotomists, or imaging such as X-rays, CT or MRI Scans

  • The appointment will last around 30 minutes but may be slightly longer if an X-ray is performed.

  • More detailed scans will require a separate appointment due to the length of time these can take (30mins-1 hour).

  • Results are relayed as soon as they are available or during a second follow up appointment.


369 Fulham Road
SW10 9NH

0203 315 8484 / 020 3960 1702


Hatfield Avenue
Hatfield Business Park
AL10 9UA

01707 443 333 / 020 3960 1702